make a mouth中文什么意思

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  1. She observed it , " made a mouth " at him and gave him the back of her head for the space of a minute
    她注意到了, “朝他做了鬼脸”之后有一分钟光景,她都用后脑勺冲着他。
  2. I make a mouth , it is indonesian that i have a client , i and client are to use a dollar to trade , product price also is dollar value , because the dollar is reduced to rmb exchange rate , make the product export price of my company is reduced , but the dollar value that indonesian client is not willing to improve a product to this , at the same time i discover the dollar also is to be being reduced to the exchange rate of indonesian aegis , if the u . s . dollor value that shows our product is changeless , his reducing into valence , don ' t i know to this whether my understanding is proper


  1. make a monkey of oneself 什么意思
  2. make a monopoly of 什么意思
  3. make a monopoly of some commodity 什么意思
  4. make a mountain out of a molehill 什么意思
  5. make a mountain out of a nolehill 什么意思
  6. make a move 什么意思
  7. make a move to reinforce 什么意思
  8. make a muck of sth 什么意思
  9. make a muddle of 什么意思
  10. make a muddle of sth 什么意思


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